Saturday, December 27, 2014

A Bit of Courage

The desire for success has always been one that I have longed for. Since I can remember, I dreamed and hoped of "one day" being truly "successful" beyond my wildest dreams. But somewhere between childhood and my third career, I came to a slow, and sometimes painful realization: I would never be successful if I could not first, define what success meant to me. Second, accept that more often than not, I would fail in many things. Life would kick my ass, I would be disappointed and would disappoint myself. And third, that the one thing success required more than anything else, was to have the courage to pick myself back up, one little piece at a time, no matter how long it took and no matter how many times it happened. 

This blog is a testament of all three of these gems of knowledge, summed up so nicely by Winston Churchill. I believe our idea of success is very personal to each of us, and is an ever-evolving idea of a perfection that we know we will never accomplish, and yet one that we continue to strive for anyway. Those of us who have the courage to strive, that is. In this current chapter of my life, success, as defined by me, centers around the goal of helping others in their pursuit of each of their own ideas of success. This blog is my first step, my first bit of courage displayed for the world to see, in my endeavor to achieve that. I hope that you will enjoy, and learn something from, the tidbits I will share. 

Merry Christmas!


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